A new business and service directory brings together Porvoo-based companies into an easy to browse entity, from which companies can also be searched according to products and services. The directory maintained by Posintra serves consumers, public operators and companies themselves.

Where to find even the smallest companies in construction, home care or party services, for example? Search engines help the data finder, but showing up in them often requires effort and money from the company. Now, company information has been compiled in Porvoo’s new business and service directory, which is maintained by the development company Posintra.

– Many different parties have longed for a regional business register that would also compile companies by industry. This makes it easier to compare and find services, for example, and is therefore an effective tool for both the information seeker and the company, says Fredrik Pressler, CEO of Posintra.

The business and service directory can be found on Posintra’s website and its information is based on the trade register and the company’s own updated information. Industrial classification of the directory is a condensed version of the data obtained from Statistics Finland’s TOL classification and the trade register. In practice, the underlying database has been replenished over the years from many different sources, including via Posintra.

– That is why it is important that every company should personally check the information in the directory and modify it if necessary. At the same time, you should definitely describe your company’s products and services briefly on the card and thus profile your company even more accurately.


Porvoo business and service directory

For the consumer and the public operator:

  • Displays Porvoo-based companies individually and by industry
  • Utilize, for example, when buying, comparing or tendering for services.

For the company:

  • Displays your information in the trade register. Make sure they are correct.
  • You can also briefly describe what your company offers (products and services)
  • Utilize it to increase visibility, find contacts, or explore the markets.
  • You can also ask to remove yourself from the directory.


Porvoo business and service directory

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