Supporting you
to success

Are you planning to start a business? Want to develop your business? Considering to relocate your business in Porvoo? We are here to help you.


Business and Service Directory

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Our Services

Budding Entrepreneur

    Are you planning to establish your own company? We function as an enterprise agency in Eastern Uusimaa region, and are here to help you.

Operating Company

When you need help and ideas for developing your business, we will help you. We will survey the current situation, and search for means to develop your business further.

Development Projects

The versatile development of the operational environment of companies is part of our work. This work is done through projects, where hundreds of companies take part yearly.

Joint vision work opens up perspectives on how to develop the plastic recycling ecosystem at Kilpilahti

The STRIIM project is envisioning a plastic recycling ecosystem for Kilpilahti in collaboration with partners. Read more about what has been done already!

Sources of funding to self-employed persons and companies

Sources of funding to self-employed persons and companies

Where can I find funding for my company and for which purposes? On this page you’ll find some of the most common funding sources and useful links. You are also welcome to book an appointment to our free consultancy where we can take a closer look at your case.

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Meet our new business developers

Meet our new business developers

We had the pleasure of extending our team with three new business developers, all eager to meet new businesses and business owners. Get to know Karin, Tiina and Anna below.  

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