Based on a survey conducted in December 2021, people are ready to recommend Posintra’s services and the NPS (Net Promoter Score) scores given are, just like in previous years, at an excellent level.

As we do every year, we asked for feedback regarding our operations from our customers and interest groups. We feel it is important to know how well we have succeeded in the eyes of our customers and what areas we need to develop in our operations.

We sent two Net Promoter Score surveys that focused on slightly different aspects – one on Posintra’s business consultancy services and the other on development work done in development projects and other cooperative work.

The number of replies was a little lower compared to previous years, but we did receive important feedback to continue developing our operations.

The NPS received by Posintra for business consulting services in 2021 is +80 and for project and other development work +72.

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