Do you want to develop the sustainability of your business?

Developing corporate sustainability

An environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable business also offers new opportunities for the future. It’s one that operates profitably yet in the most sustainable way possible – taking into account the interests and expectations of its stakeholders.

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Help and information to develop corporate sustainability

Corporate sustainability is a genuine way for your company to increase its competitiveness and improve its performance as well as meet the sustainability demands of its customers. There’s simply no need, and nowadays no reason, to choose between doing business sustainably or doing it profitably – you can do both! If you’re considering how your business can become more environmentally sustainable, we’re here for you! We can help you take stock and work out your next steps on the path to sustainability.

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Posintran yritysneuvoja tekemässä töitä tietokoneella.

Start by evaluating the sustainability of your business

Are you wondering if your company is doing enough to be sustainable in all its actions? Have you considered them from the environmental, economic, and social perspective? As such, sustainability is now an essential part of modern business. Today, customers and stakeholders expect companies to act in a sustainable way, and focusing on this can underline your reputation, attract both investors and customers, and create real long-term value. Join us in assessing the current state of your company’s sustainability and what can be done to improve it. Together, we will find the best path for your company to promote more sustainable business opportunities.

Posintra has a number of larger business sustainability projects already underway. We can meet with you to work out if any of these would suit your company’s needs, and you can develop your sustainability skills in participation with a larger group of companies. At the same time, you can network with other entrepreneurs in the region and learn best practices from other businesses.

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Sustainability reports bring transparency

How does your company communicate about its environmental, social, and economic impact and provide information on sustainability to its stakeholders? By disclosing details of environmental, social, and corporate governance, ESG reporting provides a comprehensive picture of the external effects of your company’s activities and brings transparency to them. A sustainability report not only makes the environmental and social impact of your activities more visible to stockholders, but also provides an opportunity to show how corporate responsibility is being developed in the future – it’s good to communicate about both the successes and areas for improvement too.

Do you need more information on what your company’s sustainability report should contain and the data needed for it? Do you need information about forthcoming EU regulations on sustainability reporting, how these apply to you, and how you can prepare for them? Read more on Posintra’s Sustainability Hub!

Check out the Sustainability Hub

Yrityksen hiilijalanjälki

Your corporate carbon footprint and a carbon roadmap

For more and more SMEs, it’s becoming increasingly important to calculate the impact of their operations on the climate so they can reduce emissions. Do you want to calculate your company’s carbon footprint in terms of the direct and indirect emissions caused by your activities? Contact us so we can come up with your next carbon-wise steps together! We can help define your company’s own climate targets, after which you can, if you then wish, join the City of Porvoo’s Climate Partners – part of the national Network of Climate Partners. You can also find out more about your company’s carbon footprint at Posintra’s Sustainability Hub.

Book a time for a business consultation Become a Climate Partner of Porvoo

Growth or sustainable business? – Both!

Posintra has several ongoing projects to develop corporate sustainability that provide companies with longer-term support, tools, and the training necessary to improve their sustainability. The projects bring together like-minded companies to create a powerful business network that can then share ideas on the theme of sustainability. Are you interested in your company’s carbon footprint, energy transition, or new business models for the circular economy? Contact us, or book an appointment to come see us and find out more about what we offer!

Check out the Sustainability Hub

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Do you need help setting up your business, developing it further, or dealing with those everyday challenges of being an entrepreneur? Our business advisory service can help find your own direction, whatever stage you’re at!

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…or ask me more

Anna Pyyhtiä

Business Developer

Anna Pyyhtiä

Sustainable business, Co2Jump project

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