We serve our customers at Christmas and New Year as follows:

21.12.-23.12. as usual at 9-16

24.12.-25.12. closed

28.12. at 9-16

29.12 at 9-16

30.12 at 9-16

31.12 closed

1.1.2021 closed

from 4.1.2021 as usual at 9-16


Contact our time reservation at tel. 050 597 3887 (weekdays 9-16) or . Due to the corona situation, we serve remotely and appoint with you from case to case on a meeting either by phone or video conference.


NOTE! You will find current information about the companies’ cost support. The application will be reopened at the end of 2020, on the State Treasury website: https://www.valtiokonttori.fi/en/service/business-cost-support/

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Online reservation

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