Most people want a world where companies take responsibility for the environment and create a better future.

Environmental issues have become mainstream.

– Responsibility is a competitive advantage people will surely like, says the Head Coach of Aava & Bang growth marketing firm Teemu Kankainen (in picture).

Soon, however, you can no longer stand out by doing something for the environment, but you can by not caring about the environment at all.

– Early adapters are yesterday’s news, now more and more customers are starting to demand environmental actions from all companies,” says Kankainen.

– Yet I still hear: “What could one person do?” Well, loads! Kankainen promises.



People want to be on the good side


Genuine and successful environmental actions start from the fact that the entrepreneur himself has a genuine interest in environmental issues.

– The vision of the company should reflect its values. If the values of the company are different from the values of the entrepreneur, there is no passion in the action, Kankainen knows.

The communications marching order passes through the insiders to the inner circle and ultimately to the outer circle and the customers.

– Environmental friendliness must be integrated into the company activities. A clearly communicated message will automatically expand from the inside out. Word-of-mouth is one of the most effective marketing tools! Kankainen says.

All employees in the company must be made to work towards the same objective. Good news is that when it comes to doing good, it is easy to get people involved.

– If the Red Cross said they wanted to be the world’s largest charity, few would volunteer on the street with a coffer in their hands. When the vision of the Red Cross is to eradicate misery, hunger and poverty from the world, it gives a sense of importance: it is cool to be involved in this battle. Doing good brings people together!


Brand is a good story – but greenwashing is not worth it


Do you recycle cardboard? Did you buy a domestic, recycled carpet? Good, but small image polishes are no longer enough, not to mention greenwashing.

– In the 21st century, we have moved from making promises to redeeming them. One must know how to make a good promise, but redemption is more important. Greenwashing does get attention, but it does not benefit in the long run, Kankainen says.

Trust can be increased by working with, for example, environmental organizations. They increase the transparency and credibility of the company.

However, Finnish companies are often more modest than unreliable: environmental actions are made, but they do not make too much noise over them.

Some also fear losing old customers.

– If an entrepreneur is unable to share a similar set of values with his customers, they are not really customers of the company. We all have a responsibility to set an example by our own actions.


Teemu Kankainen has been the educator of Posintra’s Tulostakomo trainings concerning brands and branding. The first Tulostakomo in autumn was held in Porvoo on 26 September. The next event that will continue the theme of branding will be held on 29.10.2019 (in Finnish) at the Cospace premises in Porvoo.

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